David's visit to Woolum Bellum Campus (College of Koorie Education)

Hi everyone,
At 9.00am on Tuesday 18th Nov, I was on the school grounds of Woolum Bellum Campus (The Victorian P-12 College of Koorie Education). I was a little unsure as to where from here, until Mary came to my rescue and directed me to the staffroom. The staff was as unsure about me as I was about them. Again Mary came to my rescue with an explanation about who I was, and why I was visiting. The mystery dissapeared as quickly as it came.
Responding to an invitation to expand on Mary's well informed introduction, I followed with a 3 min pitch. Shortly after, I found myself surrounded by Koorie children, all eagerly asking questions. At this point in time I found myself pleasantly taken back in time to my early Kimberley experiences with children of a similar disposition for fun.
On leaving (and not before the La Trobe Valley Express captured the experience on film) I reminded the children of the importance of education. I relayed "how education meant more choices, and children in the poorest half of the world deserved the same chance, so they can contribute to their own wellbeing and their country".
I had breakfast with them and they waved me off.
I headed towards the main street and popped in at Bright and Print to buy a warm jumper, as I had lost mine while I was cycling, Jeff (the store owner) heard of my woes and donated one for the journey. It's great to see the generosity of some people. And to add to that I had just run out of credits on my mobile and Jeanette at Newspower Newsagency donated a phone card. Such blessings.

After a short stay, I headed off to Rosedale.