Bairnsdale Secondary College here I come!!

In the morning of Monday 24th Nov, David headed off to visit Bairnsdale Secondary College to talk with the staff and students about his beloved Cycling4africa and to spread the message about poverty in the poorest half of the world.
In a room full of students and teachers, David stated that "In the time the Victorian Footy Grand Final was played, 120 minutes elapsed and 2400 children your age and half your age died in the poorest half of the world from preventable diseases and hunger - the room went silent, and you couldn't even hear 2 pins drop.
These students related to these children and the seriousness of the situation, and had their ears glued to what was said. The quiet and stillness in the room along with serious faces indicated that these students were feeling for these children and the situation they are in; perhaps even reflecting on how blessed they are that they were born where they are.
The students were encouraged to comment and ask questions. Among the many enthusiastically volunteered comments, one child summed up the crises with one word: “GREED was the reason for this global mess.”
David also told them "Tomorrow's decisions will be in your hands and that you could make a difference". The respond was touching. On a lighter note, the students then proceeded to ask about David's journey, and his BIKE! David then headed off to Nowa Nowa and on to Orbost.