The Bairnsdale experience
David bypassed Stratford in order to gain some extra time in the journey ahead. He knows that pretty much after Bairnsdale, it is going to be very challenging until he gets to Canberra. He will be staying in Bairnsdale until Tuesday 25th Nov. This will give him a chance to look over the bike and have a few rest days.

Daniel and Melissa from the Salvation army in Bairnsdale have genreously offered to put up with him, or shall I say put him up for a few days at their place. He arrived on Friday 21st Nov as warnings were fortold by the media that Gippsland is going to recieve a lot of rain over the weekend and could get some floodings.
As predicted Saturday was wet all day. It was a good opportunity to check the bike over. There were some issues with the bike that David needed to attend to before he heads off. But first he spent the day relaxing with the family he was staying with and doing some admin work he needed to attend to. He will work on the bike tomorrow.
On Sunday it was
raining heavily and there was severe winds, just as well he didn't have to cycle that day. In the morning he visited the Salvation Army Bairnsdale, and was invited to talk about his beloved cycle4africa experience. A lot of people asked David questions about his experience, they were very supportive and even donated as a church towards his cause. He was so grateful for their support and encouragement, Thank-you again.
After church, much of the time was spent fixing the bike with a bit of TLC. The bike sustained a few hairline fractures which held the paniers (his supplies) and Colin (from the Salvation Army) offered a helping hand.
Lunch was a priority, especially with Kangaroo meat on the menu. Needless to say, it was a tough experience. David commented that his jawline now has well developed muscles.
After many hours of labour on the bike, it was finally finished at 6.00 pm. Colin invited David and the family to his place for dinner. He had a great time, the company was fantanstic and so was the meal.
By 10.45 David was back at his lodging and ready for a good nights sleep.

Daniel and Melissa from the Salvation army in Bairnsdale have genreously offered to put up with him, or shall I say put him up for a few days at their place. He arrived on Friday 21st Nov as warnings were fortold by the media that Gippsland is going to recieve a lot of rain over the weekend and could get some floodings.
As predicted Saturday was wet all day. It was a good opportunity to check the bike over. There were some issues with the bike that David needed to attend to before he heads off. But first he spent the day relaxing with the family he was staying with and doing some admin work he needed to attend to. He will work on the bike tomorrow.
On Sunday it was

After church, much of the time was spent fixing the bike with a bit of TLC. The bike sustained a few hairline fractures which held the paniers (his supplies) and Colin (from the Salvation Army) offered a helping hand.
Lunch was a priority, especially with Kangaroo meat on the menu. Needless to say, it was a tough experience. David commented that his jawline now has well developed muscles.
After many hours of labour on the bike, it was finally finished at 6.00 pm. Colin invited David and the family to his place for dinner. He had a great time, the company was fantanstic and so was the meal.
By 10.45 David was back at his lodging and ready for a good nights sleep.