A time to rest and fellowship.
On Friday David and I were taken out to dinner by our friends at the Salavtion army. Carole picked us up with her car as the downpour threatened to drown us. It just didn't stop raining all day and all night. It was a great evening to relax and unwind. Saturday we had planned to do some sightseeing around Canberra, but unfortunately David was very tired and needed to catch up with some rest. By the time I had organised some places to see and was ready to go, it wasn't hard to figure out where David had dissappeared to, the snoring led me to his room. Needless to say, sightseeing had to wait. The weather was very unpredictable. The rain had stopped but the wind was blowing a gale. After a good sleep we went to the local market, did some shopp ing and went back to our residence to cook a meal full of carbs! It was a great day. On Sunday 12th Dec, Carole again picked me up to go to fellowship at the Salvation Army in Braddon, while David cycled in. We were welcomed with open...