New Year in SALE.
It seems David's journey back is going to be a little more hasty than his departure. With fewer appointments on the way back, David could be home pretty soon.
He left from Cann River on the 29th Dec and arrived in Bairnsdale on the 31st. As he got into Bairnsdale it was late, and by this time his body started shaking, warning him to rest up and eat. His first effort was to get some chocolate into him to give him a bit of a boost. He knocked on Colin's door (whom he met on the way to Canberra via the Salavation Army) who offered him a bungalow with a comfortable double bed in it. David's prayers were answered, he didn't have the energy to set up camp.
David didn't have any pending appointments in Bairnsdale, so he settled overnight for a great rest and continued on his journey, leaving in the morning for Sale. He had an appointment with Life FM in Sale in the afternoon.
On New Year's day David arrived at Sale in the evening. He had quite a battle cycling against the wind. His cycling slowed down to 6 klms an hour as he rode over the challenging terrain while fighting a head wind. He managed to cycle 76 klms all up that day.
After another hard cycle, David needed to find accommodation, and as McDonalds was the closest port of call, he thought he'd ask the locals for some information.
As he entered McDonalds, the natives were fascinated. They were more interested in his bike, gear and his mission, then they were about answering his questions. As he started to explain his cycling4africa journey, he quickly forgot about his weary and hungry condition, and his passion quickly took over as he became vibrant again talking about raising awareness for poverty in the third world countries. His loud and animated self came out and most of the people at McDonalds were listening in. The next thing he knew everyone was bombarding him with all these questions about his journey. And the human spirit came out of these people. Some donated money, others bought him coffee and food. He was in his element.

That afternoon, he missed his appointment with Life FM. Liam (from Life FM) advised him to do the interview the next day as he was sounding unwell and incoherent. David had the interview on Life FM the following morning, followed by another appointment with the ABC radio station in Sale. Gerard (the manager) interviewed him himself as most staff was on their Christmas break.
During our phone conversation that evening it was quite apparent that David was very exhausted. He tone of voice, which is usually loud and vibrant, was quiet and sombre. He told me was feeling down and emotionally drained. He needed to rest up. He started looking for some cheap accommodation as he was too tired to set up camp. He wondered off to the local Pub for accommodation. He said he would have stayed another day at Sale had the manager at the pub not knocked him back for a free night's accommodation. If you know David you would understand why he felt a little shocked when he got a knock back.
It just didn't happen often!
Also Peter (the person he stayed with at Christmas) rang to see how David was going and had told him he was going to see if "Morning with Kerri-Anne" on Channel 9 would be interested in interviewing a person with a worthwhile cause. Wouldn't that be great.
We need all the help we can get to raise awareness and funds for this project. Thank-you all.
He left from Cann River on the 29th Dec and arrived in Bairnsdale on the 31st. As he got into Bairnsdale it was late, and by this time his body started shaking, warning him to rest up and eat. His first effort was to get some chocolate into him to give him a bit of a boost. He knocked on Colin's door (whom he met on the way to Canberra via the Salavation Army) who offered him a bungalow with a comfortable double bed in it. David's prayers were answered, he didn't have the energy to set up camp.
David didn't have any pending appointments in Bairnsdale, so he settled overnight for a great rest and continued on his journey, leaving in the morning for Sale. He had an appointment with Life FM in Sale in the afternoon.
On New Year's day David arrived at Sale in the evening. He had quite a battle cycling against the wind. His cycling slowed down to 6 klms an hour as he rode over the challenging terrain while fighting a head wind. He managed to cycle 76 klms all up that day.
After another hard cycle, David needed to find accommodation, and as McDonalds was the closest port of call, he thought he'd ask the locals for some information.
As he entered McDonalds, the natives were fascinated. They were more interested in his bike, gear and his mission, then they were about answering his questions. As he started to explain his cycling4africa journey, he quickly forgot about his weary and hungry condition, and his passion quickly took over as he became vibrant again talking about raising awareness for poverty in the third world countries. His loud and animated self came out and most of the people at McDonalds were listening in. The next thing he knew everyone was bombarding him with all these questions about his journey. And the human spirit came out of these people. Some donated money, others bought him coffee and food. He was in his element.

That afternoon, he missed his appointment with Life FM. Liam (from Life FM) advised him to do the interview the next day as he was sounding unwell and incoherent. David had the interview on Life FM the following morning, followed by another appointment with the ABC radio station in Sale. Gerard (the manager) interviewed him himself as most staff was on their Christmas break.
During our phone conversation that evening it was quite apparent that David was very exhausted. He tone of voice, which is usually loud and vibrant, was quiet and sombre. He told me was feeling down and emotionally drained. He needed to rest up. He started looking for some cheap accommodation as he was too tired to set up camp. He wondered off to the local Pub for accommodation. He said he would have stayed another day at Sale had the manager at the pub not knocked him back for a free night's accommodation. If you know David you would understand why he felt a little shocked when he got a knock back.
It just didn't happen often!
Also Peter (the person he stayed with at Christmas) rang to see how David was going and had told him he was going to see if "Morning with Kerri-Anne" on Channel 9 would be interested in interviewing a person with a worthwhile cause. Wouldn't that be great.
We need all the help we can get to raise awareness and funds for this project. Thank-you all.